TRi Learn Pro combines the power of the Tripod Beta incident analysis method with insights into human factors (human performance). A TRi Learn Pro analysis visualizes human factors and their role in the underlying incident or accident within a Tripod Beta diagram. This is complemented by improvement points at the organizational and system levels, as outlined in the Tripod Beta method.
The TRi Learn Pro concept
In-depth incident investigations are often conducted using the Tripod Beta methodology. This method focuses primarily on identifying the underlying causes of actions at the time of an incident in a professional work environment. In Tripod Beta, these underlying causes fall, by definition, within the sphere of influence of the organization—at the organizational and/or system level.
In practice, human actions are also influenced by ‘human factors’. Human intervention introduces flexibility, creativity, and resilience, which are essential even within strictly defined work processes. However, like machines, humans have limits and limitations to their abilities. These include, for example, tunnel vision or limitations to (sensory) memory. While humans offer significant advantages to any process, they also introduce risks that must be considered. Unlike machines, human limitations depend on various factors.
Because the brain can occasionally fail us, humans are, so to speak, limited in their performance. Therefore, it is crucial in an incident investigation to understand how these factors influenced the human actions that led to the incident. Since these human factors lie outside the organization’s sphere of influence, they cannot be traced back to underlying causes at the organizational and/or system level as done in a Tripod investigation. Consequently, these factors cannot be visualized in a Tripod Beta analysis.
TRi Learn Pro bridges this gap by combining the Tripod Beta method with the human-centred approach of the ‘Trias Human-Task-Context‘ model. It enables investigators to explicitly examine, explain, and visualize human performance by integrating it into the Tripod Beta diagram. In accordance with the systematics of Tripod Beta, several Basic Risk Factors (BRF) are linked to Human Performance:
1. Mental and psychological state (MP)
2. Physical health (PH)
3. Perceptions and illusions (PI)
The TRi Learn Pro concept is visualized in the diagram below: